The mirror

May 1, 2019

I heard once that what is happening in the natural is a picture of what’s happening in the spiritual.

So that’s how I parent my children. One eye on them & one on myself. Always paying attention to whatever they are learning because there’s a pretty good chance I need to learn the same lesson.

Like a song on repeat lately, one of my boys has been quick to pass judgements about how I manage our affairs. I watch as I see thorns of distrust growing in our relationship because he thinks he knows better.

Another son refuses to take ownership over his actions. He tries to blame his sisters, the dog, anyone but himself.

And I remember that what I’m trying to teach them in the natural, the Lord is trying to teach me in the spiritual. So I look into the mirror & honestly ask where I’m acting out of judgement. Or refusing to take ownership for something I’ve done.

I’ll be the first to say that’s it way easier to call it out in them than admit when I see it in myself. I’m quick to defend myself or justify all the reasons why something wasn’t my fault or why I was right in thinking blah blah blah … But if I’m not willing to call out in myself what I see in them, I’m forced to add “hypocritical” as well.

And my list is long enough already…



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Sometimes it's just nice to be reminded you're not alone and you're not the only one that feels this way.